Up and at 'em

It’s not even 10 a.m., and I’m pretty much up (although unwashed). That reality at that time was pretty rare during the past six months of lollygagging in Boston.

For fun and to assure that AP does not remove such a wonderous site from the web, I’m uncharacteristically uploading a non-Dee-Rob pic.


It’s only salad dressing, but in my mind it’s the final reel in the Pat B. porno.

I’m also posting it in honor of Pat now getting to be Mr. Catholic on Fox News last night along with Sean Hannity. Best line was him telling Sean to “control his women” or some such bullshit as he was grappling with a couple of less wing-nutty Catholics over chicks as priests.

Hannity and Buchanan discussing the conclave and the dead pope and the potential new pope and all the pope-y (OK, papal) stuff just makes me cringe at the American Irish Catholic heritage we all have in common.

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