A short entry, because I shouldn’t be writing at all. I should be sleeping.
Tonight I went to a San Francisco open mike, the first one since I have become the new ex-pat me. (I did one or two last year, when I was a mere tourist.)
I was #31 out of about 35 comics. The first 10 0r so did 10 minutes, the remaining 20-25 did 4-5 minutes. Mathematically (and conservatively), that’s about 200 minutes of comedy in total. Also knows as, over three fucking hours.
It gave me a good, long look at a corner of the scene here, which was time well spent. I met some pretty nice people and your customary kooks.
I got some laughs at some appropriate times, despite the lateness and fatigue. And since comics remaining at the end split a tip jar, I got some reimbursement for the gas spent getting there (and wasting time looking for parking, which is why I was late and why I was #31 out of 35).
Now, it’s just spooky quiet here with M. in Toronto. I sure have gotten used to having him around pretty damn quickly. At this rate, he’ll probably figure out I like him. Damn.