What’s say we all head out to South Dakota, settle down and vote regressive morons out of office.
Roe v. Wade was about due process, a state’s right to fuck with your life, liberty, yada yada and about privacy. Clearly, it’s flawed, else everyone wouldn’t be so fucking confusioned this many years later.
But, for fuck’s sake, South Dakota should be ashamed for its regression. (Mind you regression that only regresses to some kind of post-WWII fantasy not back to the beloved and oft-misquoted forefathers. Due to reputed swordsmanship out and about the new and old worlds, folks like Jefferson and Franklin (OK, not a great constitutional reference, old Ben), the founding fathers probably carried around a bit of pennyroyal in their traveling kits.)
Argh. My brain hurts from living through the current age.
hang on a mo
banning abortion means more unwanted babys who grow up to be delinquents
who cause more social problems
which in turn increases the crime rate
so the state has to employ more police
who cost more
so they raise taxes
or they need to increase the population of the state
see its a tax dodge
makes sense to me
but im just a humble bean
this advert is brought to your humble attention buy the folowing sponsors
my firm coz they are merican and they are still paying me wooo whooooo
Nice racist slant Dave.
I sentence you to watch Crash. I haven’t seen it myself which must mean I am also racist.
I also haven’t seen Brokeback Mountain. This makes me a homophobe. I am afraid of homosexuals. Terrified that I may become one or that a homosexual might come on to me. Geez, I’m a fuckin’ mess.
Can’t Julia Roberts just win Oscars every year? What happened to the good old days when Ellen Burstyn uglied herself up as a druggie but got beat by Julia in a daring, bold, out there, cleavage showing, miniskirted role. That is acting!
Well, I wish we could all be white Dave. Then we could rally together a class system like in jolly old England and put the poor whites in their place.
Anyway, I just wish that Julia could win every year, that’s all.
see ive been steriotyped as a white racist just coz i work for a merican firm who are paying me and I pointed out a reason to take an anti abortion stand
try reading it again and just coz i wrote it dont mean i belive in it
my actual slant on the whole thing is if you’r stupid enough to get pregnant in the first place take the morning after pill
and if you dont want a child and you should be able to have an abortion free on the state
as for homophobic dont bring that one up or ill set Steve on Ya .he just loves people who have issues with his choice
of sexual partner
and englands a classless society now Mr Blair told us so so it must be true just like good ol W tells you
oh and Crash is not a bad film
you want a copy
im going to watch Kinky boots (so im a perv) and Freedomland ( racist probably ) later
and im a Pir8 (i borrowed of a bloke at work )
Dave proud to be a member of the uman bean comunity (at least you missed out the austin powers tosser award for me )
and uma thingy should have won the sexyist thing ( id like to shag )award even tho she has funny feet
and jes julia is cute and nice and wholesome and should win
and on a sillier note
are there any wal marts in south Dakota
coz im sure i read they are going to sell the morning after pills
more sad brit humour here
so loosen that foundation garment girl
and let them puppies flop a bit
And a pro lifer to boot.