Waiting for the pain

A big exciting day today — Part one of a deep dental cleaning. Oh boy, ain’t we got fun. It was an hour or so of scraping and scraping and a whopping dose of Novocaine. I hates me that giant Novocaine needle. No matter how modern the dentistry, that’s a bit monster of an archaic looking torture-y.

The hygienist sent me home with a gentle toothbrush, floss and some Sensodyne toothpaste with a call to gargle with warm, salt water and take ibuprofen for the pain. Yikes, I though, even as I accidentally spit on the wall while spastically and numbly trying to rinse.

So far, though, no pain. I’m a fucking hard guy, I tell you what. And, I gather my right side is lower in tartar than I am sure it has been for years and years. Nothing like a poking, filing, prodding, scaling procedure to get you feeling half clean.

Next week, it’s even more scraping and the added bonus of getting a filling removed, replaced and a crown fitted for the tooth that broke around my old school silver amalgam when I was eating something in Malaysia. No fucking fun, but I won’t in the short term be toothless hag. Something to worry about as the 44th b’day is days away. Nope, I’ll be a toothsome hag.

Other than that, it’s day two of sleeping alone. I’ve used the time questionably. Instead of writing and creating and embracing the ripe possibilities of time enough, I’ve been watching the kind of flicks that M. just can’t handle. Somewhere in the relationship, I conceded control of the remote control, and it looks like I won’t be getting it back. Ever. Sad little (impotent) power play to chick flick it up in my solitude.

Yesterday was Julia Sweeney. I think I’ll by the recording of the book version of her show Letting Go of God. I like a good religious transformation story, especially if it’s away from the big g god. I also inexplicably watched Major League.

Tonight was Bette Midler’s Gypsy, Muriel’s Wedding and the end of Victor/Victoria. Whenever I see any version of Gypsy, I get fired up a bit to perform. I want to have hung out with Gypsy Rose Lee. Maybe I just want to be a stripper deep down. I have the self-esteem for it or lack thereof.

Talk with me. Please.

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