I am a sucker for signs and portents, and here is how my night fed into them.
Early on, I got a phone call from M. the fun to hang out with, who is Asian, by the way. He’s spending some of his spare time checking out apartments for us. I’m totally into the picture of the future, especially as he picks out places. (Places, incidentally that have an obvious predictability around certain factors. Most notably, proximity to movie theaters and places to buy coffee.
He talked to one guy today, who was Greek. My longest rental, because it was a rent-controlled, two-bedroom in Cambridge, handed down to me by my big brother and then girlfriend, now sister-in-law, was with a Greek guy.
So far, the signs look good.
Then, tonight, I did a late show at a theater in Somerville (see post below). One of the performers was a nice, but slightly crazy guy who was one of the first folks to chat with me at open mikes. I think it was because I would give him access to French fries.
Another performer, also crazy, was the first comic to ever treat me completely shittily. Every single chance he got he put me down, bullied me and just generally made it clear I was not welcome in Boston comedy or maybe even the world.
A third performer hung out in the audience. He was the first guy I would see repeatedly who would never make eye contact, look generally uncomfortable and never remember my name. He initiated me into the awkward, shuffling silence that is socially inept comics trying to appear sociable.
Later 2/3 of the three guys above went out for a beer with the group. I was uncomfortable. BUT, unlike 3-4 years ago, when I thought I would never fit in and these guys were people whose respect I craved, I didn’t fucking care. I was uncomfortable, because I knew with certainty that to various degrees these guys who I had previously been intimidated by are fucking losers. Sad, fucking piles of wasted opportunities and impotent dreams.
My life is so much better now. And seeing that small bit of the past fucking underscores that truth with a thick, permanent ink magic marker.
Oh and I forgot, I mentioned M. is Asian, because I can’t believe that two separate comics relied almost solely for large chunks of time on Asian stereotypes. At least I exploited his ethnicity with a somewhat open mind and some originality.