Weary but not exhausted

Some weeks and days and hours, I curse my cubicle existence. You sit in a cubicle and toil, eventually you gotta hate life a bit, dig? It’s the soul sucking scenario of the new millenium.

This week has been one of the weeks where you have to think, “Fuck this bullshit, I’m heading on the road to Baja or Idaho or fucking Saskatchewan.” Somewhere exotic where the man not only ain’t keeping you down he’s a distant fucking memory leaked out through the bottom of a bottle of Mescal. The worm left behind or swallowed.

Yeah, the man, who is actually a youngish woman, been kicking my ass big time. I been down so long, I don’t remember up.

Only one thing that sucks about this job is it never sucks quite hard enough to sell that line. Maybe I’m a cockeyed optimist. More likely I’m a whore easily swayed by payola. But, the fresh fruit alone keeps me keeping on. Pears, I’ve been subsidizing the hourly wage with pears. Red, green, yellow, Anjou, Bartlett, Bosc, Comice, I’ve suckled all their sweet nectar while filing, collating and rescheduling, phoning, faxing and emailing with wild abandon. Yeah, fruit.

Then there’s the shit that keeps it lifely. It’s all edjumacation each and every day. Ripped from the headlines and all without the “donk donk” chord and deadbody reveal of a “Law and Order” episode. Ripped from the headlines in the happy, sunny, Cali way. Look, Maw, I’m learning.

You might have heard about the Judas Gospels. In the place of my employ, they’re bringing in some authorities for a bit of a lunchtime chat, kind of a brown bag thing, only no one brown bags it in a place with catered meals. We all got a translation of the text in our in-boxes and will get our Gnostic on during the work day. How very civilized.

Unless, of course, it marks the end times and the destruction of civilization. In which case, I guess I’m wicked sorry for joining in on the questioning the word of g_d.

4 thoughts on “Weary but not exhausted

  1. dvae see its spelt wrong

    whoo hooo the preachers on the stand
    watch fondle live adders and demand money with a charming smile whilst making you feel guilty about living well

    sorry i dont do religion especialy the bit where i have to give em money

    and who realy cares about a 2000 year old story book that is based on supressing half the population

    rant over

    fruit now thats an idea fur breakfast ill add it to my lard up
    pears you say do i roast em or drizzle olive oil on em and fry em


  2. Dee-Rob

    See, Dave, this is where you are frustrating. That wasn’t about religion. It’s about a book.

    Here’s where you can relate — whenever there’s a lecture at work, there’s free lunch.

  3. Freemblap

    Ummm…so it was about a book that was about lunch things?

    But religion too, right? Har.

    Love the concept of The Judas Gospels. So in a couple thousand years, historians can look back and say….”Hey, we found the book of O.J.! Turns out that according to him he didn’t do it.”

    Not gonna go into religion here, but aren’t prisons full of people that “didn’t do it.”

    And Dave thought that Americans invented zero accountability. Turns out it goes back to the Bible. Hooray for W!

    Always brush and floss Dave. I think when the Brits heard that “If you don’t floss, there’s no point in brushing,” they gave up brushing.

  4. dotdwyer

    I’m sorry for your trials, Dee, but you live already live in a place that sounds like heaven to me. Yesterday , when I opened the booth, I almost stepped in a human’s pile of shit and a wadded up ball of napkins that presumably wiped the ass that produced the pile of shit.I just wanted to share. No one I work with seemed all that concerned . . ..


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