Web shit and laziness

I’ve finally gotten off my comedy ass and booked a couple of things. One of them isn’t confirmed, but a girl can hope.

Since I don’t want to have the old website of shame on at work, and I keep falling asleep when I get home (allergies and M.’s cable news channel jones combined, methinks), I’m trying to work out some way to better use Google (need I link?) and/or myspace (ditto?). To that end, I’m working on using Google Calendar in my life.

Theoretically, if you were to click right here, you’d get to a calendar for “deedashrob.com” (‘cuz they wouldn’t let me use an actual dash) and the comedy schedule of our own dee-rob. I say theoretically, because it wasn’t working a second ago, and the button over there on the right wasn’t either. Fuck me.

I also just realized that on a Windows XP box with Internet Explorer this page looks seriously like crap. I should keep up better with the worst of the browsers for when the website spontaneously shits the bed.

Fucking code.

Tonight, though, the debate is on. M. wants “The Omen” (not even worth linking), because he loves, loves, loves the horror designed with highschool boys looking to cop a feel in mind. I was thinking I should show my lazy ass face (wait, I don’t think I have an ass-face. I have a lazy ass, and I need to show my face) I should do something anyway comedy club related.

Given it’s Friday, and I’m in a typically post-work week state of ennui, he’ll probably win. It will be a blow against feminists everywhere. But, in a world with Ann Fucking Coulter slagging off on widows, women are kind of down for the count anyway.

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