
I played with my style sheets some more, and I think cured most of the pages ills. I know one user is still having issues, but more improvements are due.

Meanwhile, I restored a few old posts that I know someone out there might have been seeking. Most especially, this post.

It’s probably just Sally looking at himself, but if it keeps him busy.

Other than that, as part of my clean slate and new beginning policy, I went to the doctor today for a complete physical. He showed me a graph showing that I had lost wait from a previous physical. Jesus Fucking Christ, that starting point was huge. I don’t exactly remember being in full-on bovine grazing shape, but there it was in graphical glory. Glad I didn’t decide to go to a nude beach then, someone would have tried to milk me. (’cause you know, people are always looking for a glass of milk at the beach.)

Anyway, this Thursday, July 22, there promises to be a fabulously rocking show down at the Comedy Studio in Harvard Square. The always saucy and sassy and fucking funny Kelly MacFarland will be bringing a bunch of chicks together in some estrogen-soaked comedy goodness for “Girls Go Wild.” OK, estrogen-soaked doesn’t really give you the flava of the ballsy level of funny this will be. And, it’s yet another chance to see Dee-Rob in the flesh (but like with clothes on.)

Talk with me. Please.

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