What a difference a few years make


Deja vu on game four with a Red Sox win of the World Series of baseball. The games weren’t nearly as interesting, mostly with the curse being gone and all. But apart from staying anxiety-stricken during the second game, the Rockies didn’t exactly catch fire.

In 2004, I remember drinking and watching with Liz and then walking up and down Mass Ave. watching people go berserk. At the time, I had already lost my job, had plenty of time to cheer baseball and was spending my days shredding papers and what not for the great move west. Cambridge circa three years ago:


I thought I had somewhere pictures of folks dancing and jumping on the top of the Harvard Square T station.

This year, we went to a sports bar to watch the win. The tables were pretty fully, but definitely not standing room only, with maybe a ration of eight Red Sox cheering sections to one table of Rockies fans. When it was over, we cheered, a lot of people clapped and cheered, we hugged and we went out into the almost completely empty streets of Palo Alto. No horns honked. No one was screaming. All calm in a mild Cali evening.

Ahh, I remember Fenway.


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