Here’s a list of uncharacteristic, kind of uncomfortable things I have done because of a boy I was dating:
– Kissed with tongue (while developmentally at a stage of thinking “Ewww.”)
– Danced at a disco (repeatedly and often to Michael Jackson, who I never really enjoyed);
– Talked about sports as though I gave a shit;
– Did bong hits many years after I had realized that pot made me horribly paranoid;
– Feigned enthusiasm for even the most obscure ’80s indie rocker to have come out of Athens, GA;
– Co-taught a professional development course with him the day after he showed up with another woman and told me to grow up;
– Played with and acted like I was cool with his kitty (despite pet allergies and cat aversion);
– Kept an eye on his kids and then dropped them off at the ex-wife’s house;
– Listened to way more African music than I would normally enjoy (and I like some);
– Acted polite to a woman who clearly was dissing me, because I’m a “white girl”;
– Spent a week in Houston selling African crafts
– Pretended that I didn’t mind not hearing from him when he said he would call;
– Spent New Year’s Eve by the telephone, literally all dressed up and no where to go;
– Always bought the condoms, “because, you know, like, they’re expensive and it’s more important to you”;
– Tried to write bad poetry after reading bad, but classical, erotica;
– Ate questionable cuisine;
– Wore a floral wreath around my head, while enjoying the sights and sounds of a Renaissance Festival (the memory of how I looked shall forever keep me humble);
And, maybe, just maybe, the grandaddy of them all, the ultimate proof of my weakened will and total subjugation:
– Spent a weekend at a ranch popping paper human outlines with an assortment of semi-automatic weapons.
“Slept in an air-conditioned room in NYC in January when the temp was
I think i was one of those guys
Damn, no email address on the last comment.
If it’s not a spammer, judging by the Pembroke IP address, I’d have to guess the indie rock of the 80s.
Indie & Obscure does not equal bad
Never said “obscure” was bad. But, damn, keeping up the enthusiasm was tough. I still listen to some of the music from then (but not all of it).
Speaking of which, assuming now more than ever that “not going there” is really named Dave — A friend of mine from comedy, this guy was in a band that had an album produced by Mitch Easter. You helped give me the cred to converse about Mitch, the dBs, Peter Holsapple…
Remember when we chatted with Syd Straw, just hanging out and sitting on the floor at TTs?
And, again, assuming that this has to be Dave, I still think it was funny as shit telling Mitch a different name when you asked for an autograph.
Are you still such a fanboy?