What the fuck?

Was it declared international pedophile day, and I missed it? Tonight the MSNBC/CNN/Fox fake news channels are awash with diddling. Homeland security, education, Congressional hearings and some kind of international spy or something who’s into Filipino boys and the Feds knew it.

Me, I’ve historically declared myself as extremely anti-pedophilia. Definitely have come down on a non-waffling stance there.

Still and all, I’m considering digging Brian J. Doyle. Wee tiny eentsy kudos to the deputy press secretary of our fine federal office of Homeland Security. Because really, what’s a “deputy press secretary,” but some flavor of PR flak. And, what is better PR than child pornography and luring minors into a fetid, sordid little bit of darkness.

Kind of a double hit down the middle for our friends on the side of right and red statedness, a dirty old bastard arrested as Tom Delay throws in the towel. Lets review, shall we? Whitewater and a helmut polishing from Monica, during a time of relative peace and prosperity versus what we got now. Right. I’d take the BJ and cigar.

Also, what the fuck is wrong with us, collectively, like as a nation? Seriously. One of the “news” shows, M.’s soulmate and real girlfriend, Nancy Grace, perhaps? I can’t remember. Anyway, one of the shows preoccupied with molesters featured an “expert” who was touting his book. The “EXPERT” was some kind of retired molester himself, who wised up and wrote a book. Fuck, sure, the guy probably knows his shit, but are we that hungry for expertise?

Here’s an idea, let’s boycott molesters all, past and present.

4 thoughts on “What the fuck?

  1. dvae see its spelt wrong

    heres a better idea
    tie em to stakes in the football arena on a tuesday night
    charge £3 entry and a £1 a brick to chuck at em
    make a million in TV rights alone and liven up everyones tuesday night as well


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