Karl Rove was going the Iago thang once again. This time with the omigod-is-he-really-
the-head-law-official Alberto Gonzales.
Let me get this straight, we live in a representational democracy designed with a series of quote checks and balances unquote, right? No one ever fucking voted for Karl Rove into any position. And, he’s calling all sorts of important shots.
Shots including those that seem a bit like tearing down the checks and balances. He’s still employed, people. Karl Rove walks the political earth and still and all, no one ain’t been impeached.
Of course, Bush was nowhere near the stank of Rove. He was too busy locking himself in a room with the Brazilian presidents G-spot and hoping for his meat-filled dreams to come true.
Pingback: Karl Rove » Karl Rove March 16, 2007 6:07 am