What's a secular word for blessing?

Even with the shit that’s been going on in my life, sunshine and free time ain’t bad. Yeah, look at me world I’m a fucking cock-eyed optimist, giddy and sunshiney and not vomiting on myself in disgust at all.

OK, I have reasons to be hopeful, but fucking hell, I just got carried away. Fuck the glass half empty or full bullshit. As long as there is glass there is cutting, so life is all squishy wonderful. (You gotta dig from my recent woes that somewhere in the universe some moron might read that sentence and check me out for cut marks. Truth is, I wouldn’t even stab that level of moron. Someone has to clean the world’s toilets afterall.)

Last night was cool. I did a friend’s show and what sparse crowd there was soon got up and left. But, a couple more folks wandered by, and I decided I didn’t care anyway. Apart from laryngitis brought on by allergies and a weekend of screaming lines and doing retakes (and staying up to late), I just fucked around and riffed some shit that may actually turn into “jokes.” It’s amazing how much being relaxed on stage translates to some kind of something that people are cool with hearing.

Note to self: Apparently the world hates nervous people.

And speaking of laryngitis, two separate people within 24 hours commented on the sexiness of my voice in the scratchy alto range. Maybe I’ll just do a Fran Drescher and talk in a fucked up voice 24/7 to build my comedy career.

Other than that, I’m looking forward to seeing the boy-o, who I haven’t seen since Memorial Day weekend. Let’s hope mama gets herself a little sumping, sumping, because frankly she be climbing the walls these days. (No pressure if you, the man in question, is reading this here crapfest. You’re not in danger or anything.)

Maybe I’m just feeling good because for a whole day my stalker hasn’t checked into my site.

Or maybe it’s just that the voting has started on the new poll, and it looks like M. and I will end up on the same coast. (Because, of course, we must carry out the mandate of random Internet voting, regardless of where it takes us.)

Talk with me. Please.

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