Um, yeah, nice evocation of the god thang in today’s news. All I can say is what the fuck, Ken Lay?
In televised remarks he said, “We believe that God in fact is in control and indeed he does work all things for good for those who love the Lord.”
Imagine you’ve just raped an industry, caused blackouts in California, left scores of retirees and investors dressed in those old-fashioned cartoon, barrel suits with enough money in their turned out pockets for a fine choice of cat or dogfood. Imagine tha, and you, you and your buddy cooked this shit up and left folks real-life, real-dollars poorer for it. And, you fucking got caught, buddy. And, you got the damned nerve to tout god on your side.
I ain’t a true believer, so I don’t fucking get it. Is the invocation of the lord with a capital ‘L’ meant to mark a confession of some kind? Like, “Fuck yah, check it out the system worked and I was just convicted of my whitey-white collar crimes.”
Or, is he so supremely arrogant and going down swinging all the way into the next life. “Man, I’m going to appeal even when I die, because no one can keep me down, not even God. God probably saw that whole thing about being the smartest guy in the room, HE knows who I am.”
Maybe Lay just digs the mentioning Jesus thing that gangsta rappers favor. What can’t be brought around to the g-force these days?
I saw him on the news and I don’t think he really meant it . AS you stated, it was Gansta Rap like. However, one can not assume that all Gangsta Rappers are not sincere in their belief of God. Also, it is entirely possible that after all the misery Lay was responsible for he discovered a spiritual life. Makes sense, he lost all material goods but his family was still there for him. At the end of the, we’re all going to die alone. Maybe he just thought he’d introduce himself before he gets where he’s going ?
Yes. In the words of the great Cher…”Sooner or later, we all sleep alone.” So true, so true.
Every Republican fuckhead that I know (and I seem to know a lot) has God on their side. Funny, you’d think with the Birkenstocks that Jesus woulda been an environmentalist. Guess not. God needs a Starhip for the bling Shatner. For the bling.
Looks like I had a Dave moment and mispelt Starship.
Dave, I will save you the trouble of posting…..
Well you Mericans and god have an equal related to money and walmart immagrants dont try to burn things as they scratch the surrface at the root.
Ken layy is now and u