Who am I?

I came across a note in some PR-esque shit about Google’s Book Search.

Someone who may or may not have a common ancestor with me, found this picture page:


I think I might be ordering Plymouth Labor and Leisure from Amazon.com. I’ve spent the night trying to figure out my dad’s family and what his mother’s name was and if there is any record of her. My mother claimed she was born in Ireland and died in Ireland, so maybe I could become an Irish citizen. My pro-American boy wouldn’t like it, but the times of Bush’s war and all are making me think about joining another crowd.

Then again, we saw Lions for Lambs last night. Sure it was a bit preachy, but it was all and all pretty effective I thought. Today’s college youth, overlaid with yesterday’s protestor, current old man, overlaid with today’s volunteer army youth, overlaid with Westpoint turned Senator, overlaid with the press. Pretty much, we’re all complicit in the fucked up state of our war and our shit foreign policy.

Bob Redford also blessedly kept his sermon short. By the time I was fully wrapping my head around the flick, it was over.

I don’t know what made me a wee bit sadder, the war itself and the message, or the fact that we went with M.’s engineer friend (whose consciousness has been mildly raised since being wed, if I might spout meaningless pop cultural/psychological gibberish) and well, his brain hasn’t been that raised. Kind of missed the point entirely the post-show conversation bore out.


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