Why I haven't been writing about (and trashing) Ms. Palin

What could I add when the only thought I have is what the fuck? What the serious, god on fucking high (if you believe in that and apparently she does, more than book learning), what sweet mystery of jesus is going on?

This answer is not a fucking answer. Or, really, it’s the kind of answer you give when you have no books in your house. No books (well, maybe the Bible and her kids school books). No newspapers. No periodicals. No information of a factual nature.

COURIC: And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world?

PALIN: I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media —

COURIC: But what ones specifically? I’m curious.

PALIN: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.

COURIC: Can you name any of them?

PALIN: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news.

I have to call the editor of Foreign Policy tomorrow (for reals). Maybe I should ask him to send a free subscription to old Sarah.

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