Why the right should support gay marriage (and I have mixed feelings)

First and foremost, since I ain’t got nothing against same sex couples, or what I grew up knowing only as “faggots,” I’m completely behind anyone and everyone loving and partnering with whoever they choose.

But, I’m not what you would call wicked pro marriage. I like the idea of the celebration and people proclaiming their love and commitment and monogamy and all of the good stuff in an enduring, loving partnership. I just don’t exactly see how it needs to be legally sanctioned for anyone or defined in any way. For example, if two folks who have no intention of ever fornicating want to establish themselves wholly as a household, there’s no name for that. In real life, though, that situation could be as binding or moreso than two conventionally wed folks, who filled out the right paperwork.

So, now, everyone in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can fill out the right paperwork. Yay! And, so now, everyone in the Commonwealth must conform to the status quo and have a conventional household.

The proof of my theory: my place of employment has honored “domestic partnership” benefits. Now they will no longer. Everyone must get married to be described as a “family” and receive family benefits.

I know I am more radical than most on this issue, but doesn’t that now mean fewer choices for how we can each define our own lives? And, if so, doesn’t that mean the staid, conservative agenda of what constitutes a family (albeit now with a twist) is not only served but pushed forward?

I prefer the olden days when “living together” was the hip thing to do.

Talk with me. Please.

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