With God on our side

Very recently someone near and very dear to me was asking why I was getting a tad obsessed with the Catholic thing. Basically, my answer is that the times we are living in are getting heavily weird without a lot of people (or maybe it’s just a few who are fucking loud) screaming about God.

This god-thang seems to be more of a weapon than a cure.

Like a sign from above (ha ha), while thinking about all this shit, I got the following message on my answering machine:

PLAY MESSAGE (Sorry about the sound quality, I might work on cleaning it up, if only to get rid of the squealing.)

Besides being just a shitty and fucked up mishmash of God and Family and the threat of the HOMO HORDES ruining everything, caller ID was blocked. So who knows what faction of the holier than fucking thou brigade are dialing away.

As a side note, no matter what emails and comments might suggest, there are some major league assholes among the proper and probably quite nice on the website with which I got entangled. Right now there’s a whirlwind of gossipy chitchat meant to protect their church that may or may not be about Cardinal McCarrick of DC, who may or may not be flamingly gay and/or pro-pedophile. In fact, there’s a lot of mixing of gay and pedophilia all over the site, wherein apparently one is somehow an easy jump once you’ve let the other one slide. I have known and currently know quite a few homos, ain’t one among them who diddles kids. I would even suggest that they would be as likely as any of us to punch the fuck out of a pedophile.

I can appreciate where if a major tenant of your faith is to be careful about all kinds of sexual conduct, nobody should be doing anything with anyone. So, yeah, priests shouldn’t be doing nothing. Fine. But, if you can’t concede that there is a HUGE, and I mean friggin’ vastly gigantic, difference between a crime with a victim and consensual sex among grown ups, you ain’t helping anyone to clean up any mess. You’re just creating your own, and pretending you have some insight and faith.

I guess my moral for today’s posting — Support folks who want to love and be loved in return and celebrate it. And, for Christ’s sake, stop bringing GOD into your nonsense. If he turns out to exist, he’ll be smoting small-minded vicious piety right next to buggery.

Talk with me. Please.

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