Work to do and Ashes

I’m full on panicking that I won’t be able to finish the work I need to before leaving on vacation. AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH I hate the feeling. It paralyzes me, which of course means I don’t get anything done.

I work in a secular world. I saw no ashes today during the work day, even though on the hospital intranet they were advertising free ashes for today only in the chapel. Finally, in the parking garage the man who always asks me about work and today showed me a keychain with a picture of his granddaughter (wearing one of them fancy-shmancy baby headbands that look like giant elastics) bore the smudge. There was a quick flash where I noticed it and almost told him he had something on his face.

Must work now. Must not animate.

Talk with me. Please.

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