Maybe it’s the headache. Or the weather. Or too much work. Or too little imagination. But, I got nothing at all in my fucking head.
Maybe I could write about how someone recently told me about Googling me. It’s a post search engine world, and I am accumulating a pile of bits and bytes that belie any attempt at anonymity I might fancy.
It’s alright, but Miss Manners better get on the stick when it comes to modern day etiquette. How does one answer when a stranger has read your weblog and told you as much?
Maybe I could write about the big writing time sink, giant, wasteful sinkhole, I sunk myself into earlier today. A ridiculous douchebag of an asshole started a vapid wasteland of internet conversation over here.
Lately, I’ve been successful in completely avoiding the urge to throw myself into web inanity. I’m proud of my distance. But, I fell off the wagon.
The upshot is some guy arrogantly asking everyone to stop using the word “cunt,” ‘cuz he don’t like it. Predictably, a chorus dumped on his ass way past my ability to stay interested. The central figure, the instigator, acted his delusional part beyond all reason as the keeper of some kind of true insight.
The downside of any group communication like a bulletin board on the web, or just about any kind of quote-unquote social networking is humanity’s limitless capacity to produce epic douchebaggery, arrogance and pettiness. You throw on that a good dollop of the reality that the prose of most people is inelegant and poorly written, and it’s a bit of a shit stew.
The comedy boards I’ve checked out are no different than any other hobby sites. And, every hobby site I have ever read (including most recently some bicycle sites) includes pointless aggression and arguments.
I can dig when political or religious or even adult sites can get a little spicy in the dialog. These are your standard hot buttons in society.
But, what the fuck? People are insulting each other on any average day in webworld about stuff that tryly shouldn’t hurt. On the bike bulletin boards, you get lambasted for recommending the wrong set of Shimano shifters. Quoting rec.bicycles.misc, in response to someone describing a header on their bike, someone opines “You’re a lying troll or the lousiest cyclist in the world.”
Pretty typical in the interwebs.
In conclusion, what the fuck is wrong with people? And, the guy on the comedy website is a complete and total cunt.