
I’m feeling a lot less stabby, if you know what I mean.

Maybe the lightened mood is partially attributable to the impending arrival of the weekend. Maybe it’s just that the only appallingly stupid person to call my office at work today isn’t even that appallingly stupid. She’s more ignorant combined with capable lying.

Whatever the cause, I almost feel productive and useful and all sorts of good positive words today. Good words, like toast.

I realized something today. There are several weblogs I read not because I find the musings of the site author interesting, but I look for the comments. I’m a little fascinated by how the uninteresting and sluggish can have interesting, witty friends. Of course, being a mirror owner of substance (I have a whole hallway decorated with differently framed mirrors at heights to lofty to be useful to me), I do know that the same could be said of this little steaming pile of web narcissism.

Therefore, to ensure balance in my life, I will now strive to only hang out with the dull and dismal. In their shadow I will appear as a burning super nova. Probably more likely a Chevy Nova, not so much burning as sputtering.

What are you doing tonight oh you reader of this site, who must surely lack wit or you would turn away?

Anyway, on the pop culture front, here’s a little something more World Wide Web-ish. I can’t decide whether to love or hate this 15 minutes of fame. From this guy I learned about this guy. Judge for yourself.

And for your pondering pleasure might I suggest this ditty.

Talk with me. Please.

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