Category Archives: Comedy

Rocking roosters

Yeah, so big old Wednesday of “New Talent” goodness. New talent night is legit business type comedy club shorthand for “the night we let anyone who might invite 20 of their closest friends to perform.” Woo-fucking-hoo.

Generally, as in this club, there’s kind of a keeping it above the low water mark model instead of being a purely “bringer” show. In a purely bringer show it’s only about asses in the seats, so it favors totally crappy newcomers with indulgent friends over actual performers. No one who’s done a bit of work or already put in thousands of open mike hours wants to then separate their nearest and dearest from a 10 spot just to see them.

In the modified version, it’s a mix. Some folks who bring a ton of people with some people who can actually cause some laughter. Tonight it was a mix, so the audience likely didn’t walk away completely hating comedy as they would in the purely bringer market. (A $10 open mike line up is tough with a few experienced people tossed in, it’s downright razor-blade across your eyelid painful with ALL new people.)

The upside for yours truly is I got more than a couple of laughs. Sometimes I think it’s just that people are so fucking relieved to actually hear something joke-like and funny that they laugh twice as hard.

I’m sure M. wishes my callling was more in the lines of quilt-making. Then, at least, at the end of a night he would have something of use. He really is a sweet guy.

On an unrelated note, thanks to everyone who has upped my website hits via Andy’s link from the Naked Comedy Showcase site. Please keep coming on back and checking out my complete and utter bullshit writing and maybe I’ll show you some nipple.

Nada mucho

Pretty good weekend, essentially starting with the Thursday night
show. I’m still fairly pleased overall (even after repeated viewings
of my video) with my contribution to the show.

M. and I are both now sporting new stylish hairdos. We are a damn
fine couple, stylish ‘do-wise. Seriously, I would envy us if I were
living outside of myself. (Whilst living inside myself, on the other
hand, there is a bit of self-loathing to balance the theoretical

Here’s a random observation from spending Thursday night in SF’s
Tenderloin, a hotbed of drugs, hookers, homeless and all around ghetto
living. I saw an apparently homeless chick with a few bags, some
hygiene issues and big parachute-y cargo pants with many zippers and
pockets. She was jamming a rather large, brightly colored dildo,
quite possibly of the vibrating variety, into one of the giant pants
pockets and zipping it up.

Jesus Christ, seriously, if I become homeless, I’m letting the old
vibrator go. On the wordly possession scale, I’d get buddhist on that
gadget and prepare to go manual. (Although, I’m pretty Howard-Hughes
squeamish on keeping some shit clean, so yeah, might not even use my
street-begrimed hands.)

I’d want food more than batteries, and it would be tough to plug in

Completely unrelatedly, unless you factor in grossness, we saw the
flick "The Aristocrats" this weekend. Interesting documentary that I
think showcased how individual style works in comedy. (For the
uninitiated, it essentially deconstructs an ancient dirty joke that is
retold by comics to each other in the spirit of one-up-manship in
being the most disgusting.)

I was gratified by seeing two different couples walk out. (It amazes
me when people walk out of any movie, but especially one that has
gotten buzz for being offensive. How do folks end up in a theater
without knowing anything about what they are about to see?)

(My favorite of the walking out couples were the pair directly behind
us. At one point, I laughed out loud at the same time she was audibly

Since my uncle who lost a leg to diabetes once told me I should write
some amputee jokes, I think if I were to tell the Aristocrats joke, I
would throw something tasteless in about his artificial limb. He
would be quite disappointed in me for my foulness, as I am his niece,
but otherwise might be amused.

Comedy, yeah, comedy

So Mountain View is pretty much in the heart of Silicon Valley. Google and all that kind of shit is there, right? And, like many a Silicon Valley village, it has your basic “downtown” kind of area, which pretty much in every town around the valley reminds me of Coolidge Corner in Brookline. Some slightly, possibly urban corners, but more pretty good restaurants and the kind of shops where you could maybe get a good book on Pilates and aromatherapy candles.

Except, there’s a complete roadhouse shit-hole bar, in which you walk in and it’s like you crossed a threshold into a magical place apart from all the rest of Silicon Valley. I swear to god, Patrick Swayze could be the cooler and Sam Elliot would end up dead in this place.

There’s even a grumpy, older woman, with long, strung out gray hair, who seems to be a lesbian from her heckles, who wears an eye patch. An honest-to-fucking-god, check me out, I’m Salty Pete the Pirate, black with a black strap diagonally bisecting your face, fucking eye patch. I swear to every deity, a woman sporting a pirate’s patch.

And, this dive among dives (complete with shuffleboard) has a really pretty damn fun comedy show on Friday nights.

It actually has two demographics that it fucking kills me but I usually do pretty well among — suburbanites and kind of the unwashed blue collar will it be Bud or Coors tonight? folks. Maybe it’s a you can take the girl out of Braintree, but blah blah Braintree thing.

M. things it rather amusing that my greatest triumphs have been suburban. And, he doesn’t even know fully and completely the irony, having not grown up or known me way back when in the environment that I have done everything to leave.

Anyway, I did the open mike half of the show and had some rock star coolness after watching a few people sucking it to the sound of crickets. Nothing like a couple of actual punch lines and a little bit of delivery and timing to make you stand out at an open mike.

By the way, anyone out in Boston stumbling on this post — Here’s a thought about something I see here all the time, but never saw in Boston. Do two shows in one. Have an open mike either as a late night thing or a bit earlier in the night thing with all your typical sucking, painful open mike comedy wannabees and strivers. Along side it, either before or after, have some real comedians (and I mean ones with actual jokes at which strangers laugh who have worked at legit places not just other open mikes) do a showcase show. Advertise, hype, flyer, invite friends to the real show (and importantly for return visits, again use actually funny people), and let that show be the showpiece. Then, you might just string along some folks to the open mike, but be clear where the differences are and the treat that is in store when the actual show takes place.

Also for Bostonians, out here a lot of showcases and a couple of open mikes have a tip jar passed around. I’ve seen some pretty stuffed jars and know that folks have walked out with a little cake in their pocket for their comedy stylings. (It doesn’t have to be all douche-y or panhandling, either, just all happy supporting the arts, la la, bullshit.)

Speaking of the tip jar, since I did the open mike not the showcase I wasn’t planning on sharing any of the loot. But, M. and I are walking out at the end of the night, and I spot a $10 bill on the floor. I pick it up and offer to the guy between whose feet it had lain. Turns out to be one of the guys who runs the show, and he was like, “Nah, you found it, you know, and you were up there, you should keep it for your work.”

But, the audience member and bar regular next to him had a different idea. He goaded me to put it in the tip jar “for the comedians.” I said I was one of them, and while he acknowledged that, he insisted that it was free money and I should do the right thing, blah, blah and throw it in the tip jar.

I figured, what the fuck, not my ten spot anyway and tossed it in the jar as we walked out. Easy come, easy go.

Right before we hit the door, the bartender, a gravelly, graying chick who looks like she’s been weathering behind the bar for about how long it’s been standing, comes up behind me. She jams a wad of bar bills into my hand, shakes it and says, “Nah, you were up there too and did good, you should have it,” and maybe “it’s right,” or something.

On top of a couple of people telling me to make sure I email about some shows and a couple more asking about my website, I walked out with a crumpled $5 and five, crumpled bar-bill singles.


I have a new entry in my very bare calendar. (I’ll probably try the open mike part of the Comic Rehab Showcase at Ron’s Farmhouse in Mountainview on Friday, just because it looked really fun last Friday.)

Please come check out (as stripped unedited from the promo email I was sent):

Funny Females Stand-up Comedy Show at 50 Mason on Thursday_8/18

Come see the funniest females in San Francisco at 50 Mason_SF Comedy Club on Thursday, August 18th. Below are comments from the last Funny Females show:

“Wow, all the comics were hilarious!”
“My sides hurt from laughing so much.”
“We are telling our friends about this great show.”
“How often is the Funny Ladies show?”

The 5 Funny Females comedy show is every third (3rd) Thursday of the month and admission is ONLY $7. To make a reservation at 50 Mason, the hottest underground comedy club in San Francisco, please call 415.398.4129.

5 Funny Females Showcase Line-up (UPGRADED TO 7!):

Host: Susan Alexander
Samantha Chanse
Sandy Stec
Denise Robichau
Lisa Geduldig
Zahra Noorbaksh
Nora Lavelle

5 Funny Females Comedy Showcase at 50 Mason_SF Comedy Club

Where: 50 Mason, SF Comedy Club (50 Mason Street @ Eddy)

When: Thursday, August 18th, 8:00 – 10 p.m. , (Doors open at 7:30

Admission: $7 (No Drink Minimum) /GREAT PRICE/ Weekend show is $10!

Transportation/Parking: One block from the Powell Street BART station. Parking garage conveniently located across the street from 50 Mason and a ‘discount’ parking lot next to Hotel Bijou.

Raffle: Great prize given away at the end of the show!

Reservations: Please call 415.398.4129


Not hating the comedy

Finally, I was in a show that felt like comedy. That’s not entirely fair, I did a couple of shows at 50 Mason in SF that didn’t have me thinking of suicide.

But, the show tonight, in a sort of upscale, independent coffeehouse, which also sells beer, wine and food, rocked pretty hard start to finish. Sometimes you need a show in an intimate, pretty well laid out room that is miked to correct levels and involves actual funny people with points of view and shit to restore your faith.

Here’s a flyer from the show: Blue Rock Shoot, June 28. Catch any of the acts mentioned, and you will laugh.

I might put up an mp3 of my set, if only to hear the roaring laugh of this chick.

It felt like all of the comedians were laughing for real at each other’s sets and just having fun. None of that fake, ironic laugh of a saboteur a lot of comics trade in, either.

My only little personal victory, because you should work on making stuff better after all, was figuring out an edited almost to a one-liner essence of my little employment story. Basically, the true story while fucked up funny, especially to everyone who knows me as non-violent and harmless, was a bitch to sell in the minute or two allotted for it, when talking at strangers.

By focusing on the crucial stupidity of the misunderstanding, rather than the harsh accusation, presto, the funny was brung. And, no one got hurt, neither.

Stay gold

I’m still skeptical about all of this sunshine and happiness hooha. But, there’s not much to bum me out or piss me off these days. (Well, I will be performing tonight at an Open Mike Showcase at Rooster T. Feathers. That should help add some counterbalancing darkness.)

Somehow getting pissed off at the lack of story in falling into gainful employment quickly seems a bit disingenuous. And, complaining about clear, blue 70-80-degree days does as well. (Especially when almost every email/call from back home in the Northeast mentions the weather. The cold, rainy not very Spring-like let alone almost Summer weather. All I can say is HAHAHA, I guess I picked a good time to vamoose.)

On top of soon to be employment and sunshine, for the first time in what seems eons, I have rocking Memorial Day plans. We’re heading to a ranch not far from Yosemite by way of Jackson and Sutter Creek in the heart of gold rush country. M.’s coworker was kind enough to invite us and a few others for the weekend.

Apart from enjoying natural scenery, hopefully not getting mauled by a bear andeating what’s supposed to be a kickass Sunday brunch, the big event will be (and I mention it mostly if this guy sees this post) shooting guns. Yeah, bleeding heart, gun control liberal that I am, I’ll be staying at a place where the owner saw fit to set up a shooting range. Maybe I’ll enjoy the cold steel of a .22 and the subtle kick of a small caliber (or however the fuck that works). They tell me a dainty chick like me can’t handle the force of the big guns. Fuck that, man, hand me the .45.

Unfortunately (or I guess, no, really quite fortunately), no one in the group is much of a drinker, so I won’t be whooping it up in Hunter S. Thompson style.

At the very least, if in the future I opine about yahoos with guns and gun sports, I’ll be talking from some place other than completely out of my ass.

Mean comedy thoughts on figures of speech

In the last couple of days, I’ve stumbled through some comedian weblogs and other comedy shit that I don’t usually read. (I’m tempted to link to one of them here as illustration, but that would turn out a tad confrontational.)

After perusing this excrement, I’ve come to the conclusion, similes are unfunny and possibly anathema to so-called “comedy.”

For example, if you are a “comic” and you find yourself writing something like, “That was about as fun as peeing on a pile of dead puppies,” you’re not funny.

There’s a whole lot of people claiming to be funny who just string together various sexual, scatological, icky and/or absurd nouns and pass it off as whit. “Hummingbird twat” is not inherently funny or clever and if you think it is, I’d bet you couldn’t write anything around it that would evoke laughter in folks other than your sophomoric friends.

Yeah, and I already fucking know, reading this little mini-rant is about as pleasurable as having a proctologist scope a monkey’s anus with a toilet brush, while wearing a dental damn and a nurse’s cap. Never mind about the eviscerated bunnies covered in baby boogers.

Naked revisited and re-revealed

Since brilliance can be born of idiocy, my friend who created our local Naked Comedy Show is looking to advance it to new and different spaces. To that end, he’s gathering up information for possible marketing and otherwise walking down memory lane.

For him I dug up this post, which pre-dates the creation of this site and is on a lonely, aborted, earlier weblog, toe in the water attempt (the location of which will go undivulged at this moment). The heady excitement of that first show of mine au naturel is recreated here through the magic of editing the post date and/or time travel.

The second show, my reflections were more succint.

The third, shorter still.

Comedy, that bitch

A couple times recently I’ve dropped by this place even though there is essentially no margin in it for me. The owner is not overly fond of my shit, and he begrudges the success of some of my funniest friends, so it was an obvious choice to limit that tension in my life.

Why beg someone to be part of a show where they ain’t supporting what you have and work out a whole lot of passive aggression on you to boot? (Actually, I think my camel’s back/straw thang was not over comedy, it was the owner advising and criticizing my relationship unbidden. Fuck with me all you want, if you must, but leave those closest to me out of your nasty shit, OK?)

But, every now and again, as a once fertile ground for innovative comedy that now feels a bit like scorched earth, there’s a show worth seeing. Tonight had a mix of a great joke writer, who happens to write Conan O’Brien’s monologue, an old team from back in Boston comedy’s heyday in the ’80s, and this guy, Louis CK, who is fucking amazing on two of my highest values — (1) Seeming on stage like someone who’s just shitting around, telling stories and talking in a personal, sharing kind of way, you know, like, human, and (2) getting away with the most horrible shit a person could say. The unwritten value is, of course, he’s fucking funny. Not wry, smiley funny, but spit-take beer in your nose funny.

Louis opened with stuff about rape. Almost no one can make rape a funny topic. He did it. The fucked in the head comics were laughing, but so were the paying customers.

The only downside to the night for me was the club owner, who didn’t respond three separate times when I nodded and said “hi.” Gotta love a guy who is so practiced in passive aggression that he can pretty much cue the “can’t make eye contact” walk by perfectly several times in a row.

But, what fucking irked the shit out of me was when Louis was late, and the owner was desperately looking to kill some time, he bitched directly over my head, literally, since he was interrupting a conversation with a friend of mine, and was looking for someone to put up for five minutes. Gee, douchebag, you don’t have to put me on stage, but you also don’t have to be an insensitive prick either and pretend I’m not there.

The thing is I probably would have done fine had I gone up. But, either way, it was moot, since the headliner arrived right before these guys jumped on stage and did pretty damn well.

I just can’t help but wonder whether the owner making me feel invisible and unworthy could have been avoided. I guess the brightside is, by my moving west his unfunny, dickheaded self will become the rosey shit defined by nostalgia.