Creeping evil

Don’t know if it’s national, but locally Cali makes landlords tell you about Megan’s Law and direct you to the website at Pretty straightforward, and I got curious.

Only, first I typed, which is also a website. One where they charge you some dough to get a report on sex offenders in your neighborhood. Pay $10 and you get what is out there for free, by law. And they phish for your email address.

Who wants to make money that fucking way? Ew. Very icky.

One thought on “Creeping evil

  1. Dotti

    we r trying to protect our kids and WILL get thrown in jail if we don’t or they take ur kids , but they wanna charge you to see if you have sex offenders in your area……………HOW FREAKIN’ DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😈 😈 😈 😡 😡


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