Tag Archives: Apple

Writing the modern way

Early adopters M. and I are, so here I sit with Apple’s latest gewgaw on my lap. I have to say this little thing is something.

Now, me, I’ve gotten all sorts of portable devices over the years. I had Motorola clamshell phones that let you download weak, little Java or Brew applets. Chunky pixels of solitaire games or calculators that required a whole lot of clickity clicking.

The web, I’ve been surfing that thang for years and years. Normal folks don’t remember the magic of pairing an amber screen of text with a zippy 9600 baud modem and discovered words on bulletin board services that were left behind by other explorers. Usenet was a mystical land.

Gopher. I went down some Gopher holes and found treasures of information. I was a member in good standing with Delphi, and that neighborhood of oracles. I had mastered WAIS searches a year or so before I ended up sleeping with a guy responsible for some of the core code.

Yeah, I’m geek girl enough to sleep with a true geek guy. (In those days it also meant a house full of roommates who not only could code, but could gather up the binary files and make “Simpson” episodes and Grateful Dead and Phish bootlegs appear from data strings.)

Hell, I even rocked a Sidekick for long awhile.

But, this, the iPad, it’s not your grandma’s computer. Although, it probably should be.

I think the best thing about it is it doesn’t have much of that computer feeling to it. Not a lot of pesky menus or commands. Just words and pictures that humans might use.

Want a book? Hit the iBooks icon, which looks like a book, et voilà. Want to know what books you have? Tap on the library. Want to buy a new one? Tap on the store. Pretty much the same thing for loading up apps and email accounts and whatnot.

I know for sure if my mother were alive I would buy her one.

Now Pat wasn’t a dumb woman, or particularly fearful of trying something new and different and electronic. Among her computing accomplishments was to not only find on the web a bunch of images of Wyoming when my sister moved there, but to download them and print them up on good photo paper for a collage of framed art. However, AOL and her desktop set up were haunted by various gremlins.

A common call I might get, whilst sitting home alone some quiet evening, was “Help. There’s just a big line or thing on the screen and it won’t go away.” Or, “I click on that thing and it doesn’t make that sound.”

What that generally translated to was an errant mouse drag or two had made a menu bar stretch to half the screen obscuring the menus that could it back under control. Or, maybe in the days of modems, the familiar squeal of the phone line never connected. In later days of cable modems the email window wasn’t crying out “You’ve got mail.”

Hours of our relationship, which ended in one of us dying prematurely, could have been salvaged if Steve Jobs had been inspired sooner and technology had caught up to Pat’s fantasy of how “that damn computer” should have worked.

A lot of people hate the cult of Mac and the messiah that is Jobs. It is in the end a commercial enterprise, and he’s a very wealthy man.

However, I defend him and his products perhaps because of his personal interests and how they are found in his designs. It is the tech company where CEO Jobs stood in front of an image of intersecting street signs – Liberal Arts and Technology. It takes a guy who likes to read books himself to design something a book reader might like.

Mostly, I think computers are designed and made by geeks like me who enjoy clicking around and solving puzzles and don’t mind coded language. For them, and some of the time for me, it’s OK to have to click on and on through a series of Skinner-inspired conditioned responses.

Normal folks, though, and a good percentage of the time myself, don’t want to have to think that hard. In Jobs’ world the computer is a means that should be easy with the hard thinking part reserved for the actual task at hand.

We just want to click on the picture of a book to get there and have the reading be the main event. That the iPad does quite prettily.

Corporate responsibility

Folks who know me, know that I teeter on the edge of messianic Apple fandom. I just likes me a computer that does whats I want, when I want and looks all style-y while doing it.

Anyway, courtesy of Apple.com’s first page (built into the Safari browser as your home page and I’ve been too fucking lazy to ever change) is this paragraph:

No on Prop 8
Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees’ same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights — including the right to marry — should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8.

Rock on Steve Jobs and Apple. And fuck you homophobic motherfuckers looking for the gay marriage band and sending the worst fucking lying propaganda to me and the rest of the state.

Anyone in the wild west, remember, that’s a big, fat NO to Prop 8.

Up too late for a school night

But, you could argue that it’s work related. I work in a rather globally focused workaday world. So, staying up late to watch Babel makes sense, right? You dig, we all be globally inter-related and everyone is kind of the same.

I got to see that up close and personal in Uganda. Happily, unlike in the moving pictures, no one was shot or even dehydrated.

Meanwhile, speaking of my toil — Conceivably, the only reason I got my job at all was because I mentioned in the interview that I own a Mac. (Remember I did interview at this somewhat reputable, somewhat high-class gig at the same time as the ultimate in international marketing presence, the L’Occitane store at the mall. I mean, hell, they’re from Provence. That’s in France.)

Anyway, I got this job instead. The person under whom I toil, loves herself a Mac. Only problem is the MacBook Pro is hella heavy. That’s why I myself picked up the $400 wonder that is the Asus EEE PC.
Two pounds, tiny and snug, and the puppy works. I even pimped it out with Windows XP, so I could hook up to the work force. You really don’t want to sling a MacBook Pro over your shoulder if you’re logging any one of the seven continents on a pretty regular basis.

The answer, of course, if you’re a Mac fanatic of means would be the MacBook Air.
Buynowstrip Air20080115

As any Mac freak as myself would tell you, you don’t go buying the latest in the Apple world the week of their World-Wide Developers’ conference until AFTER Steve gives his keynote. Your thing could be the now cliched “one more thing.”

So, tomorrow, among my other stresses and tasks and things they make me do for the ability to pay my bills, I have to keep an eye on the web reports. Poor me. Hard work that.

Now instead of being surreptitious about my web ways at work, I have to report back in about web surfing. (Amusingly related, some one half asked at a real meeting in SF if I might want to do some consulting on web stuff, spreading info through weblogs particularly. Something might come of it. Who knows.)

While I’m checking in on the keynote, I, of course, will be wondering on the big rumor of Apple rumors of du jour, the new generation iPhone. I wonder what I might be dialing later this month, if I was to call you. After all, that fucktard GWB gave me a couple of bucks to stimulate the economy. It’s chilling unglamorously and unspent in my savings account earning interest. But, I gather that’s un-American or something. I think I’m supposed to be buying gas.

By the way, I heard on the radio the rest of the country is now averaging over $4/gallon. Wimps, California has been rocking that level for a while.

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New Mac

In my neuroses of planning to go to Uganda, which might as well be fucking mars, I’m losing my grip. So, naturally, rather than doing the shit I need to do (although I do have my appointment for the yellow fever vaccine), I figured I could do something I can control.

So, in prep for putting XP on my tiny Asus EEE, which I consider the perfect travel computer. Like myself, it is small and cheap. If it gets stolen or broken, i won’t weep.

Anywho, since I had XP in my hand, well a disk anyway, I fucked up my new MacBook Pro. I’m typing this back in the land of goodlooking Mac-ville. But, I can’t boot to the borg.

I wonder if it was intentional by the minds at Apple to make it look even more like shit than usual.

