The first joke I've thought of (besides the obvious) since the shit began

I have been so hung up on the capital ‘B’ Bullshit that’s been falling all around me, I forgot to make with the jokes…

So, I’m into technology, and I think Bush has got to go. What does a tech savvy chick do in 2004 to sway voters? Here’s my idea — webcams. I seduce people in chat rooms to cam with me. After showing them my tits, BAM, I hit ’em with my rhetoric — NO MORE in ’04. Better than Dean’s Blog for America, I’ll cam to defeat Bush. Doing my part for democracy one horny geek at a time.

OK, needs a punchline, but I think it combines my three favorite things: Sex, Politics and horrifying people with the outrageous.

ROCK ON, and remember kids, Cam if you love Jesus.

Talk with me. Please.

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