But, you could argue that it’s work related. I work in a rather globally focused workaday world. So, staying up late to watch Babel makes sense, right? You dig, we all be globally inter-related and everyone is kind of the same.
I got to see that up close and personal in Uganda. Happily, unlike in the moving pictures, no one was shot or even dehydrated.
Meanwhile, speaking of my toil — Conceivably, the only reason I got my job at all was because I mentioned in the interview that I own a Mac. (Remember I did interview at this somewhat reputable, somewhat high-class gig at the same time as the ultimate in international marketing presence, the L’Occitane store at the mall. I mean, hell, they’re from Provence. That’s in France.)
Anyway, I got this job instead. The person under whom I toil, loves herself a Mac. Only problem is the MacBook Pro is hella heavy. That’s why I myself picked up the $400 wonder that is the Asus EEE PC.
Two pounds, tiny and snug, and the puppy works. I even pimped it out with Windows XP, so I could hook up to the work force. You really don’t want to sling a MacBook Pro over your shoulder if you’re logging any one of the seven continents on a pretty regular basis.
The answer, of course, if you’re a Mac fanatic of means would be the MacBook Air.
As any Mac freak as myself would tell you, you don’t go buying the latest in the Apple world the week of their World-Wide Developers’ conference until AFTER Steve gives his keynote. Your thing could be the now cliched “one more thing.”
So, tomorrow, among my other stresses and tasks and things they make me do for the ability to pay my bills, I have to keep an eye on the web reports. Poor me. Hard work that.
Now instead of being surreptitious about my web ways at work, I have to report back in about web surfing. (Amusingly related, some one half asked at a real meeting in SF if I might want to do some consulting on web stuff, spreading info through weblogs particularly. Something might come of it. Who knows.)
While I’m checking in on the keynote, I, of course, will be wondering on the big rumor of Apple rumors of du jour, the new generation iPhone. I wonder what I might be dialing later this month, if I was to call you. After all, that fucktard GWB gave me a couple of bucks to stimulate the economy. It’s chilling unglamorously and unspent in my savings account earning interest. But, I gather that’s un-American or something. I think I’m supposed to be buying gas.
By the way, I heard on the radio the rest of the country is now averaging over $4/gallon. Wimps, California has been rocking that level for a while.
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please please can we have gas at $4 a gallon
its £6 so near $11 a gallon here
i drive 1000 yup a thousand miles a week
its killing me today i did 370 1 tank of gas or £70 or $130 ok so ill make £250 but but last year it was £40 for a tank full
anyroad as your ranting about the new i phone
should i get one
the newby is around a £100 so is it that good with thte 3 g enhancements
or shall i go down the nokia \ samsung route
Yeah, for 100 pounds, it’s worth it. Fun to play with, gonna be fast and easy to use. Plays music.
Sucks on the gas, dude. Maybe you can get a long haul electric scooter.
aww one subaru and one bike petrol bills
dont even add up to my bar bill for a week
im whinging for the sake of it
so how much is a magarita in LaLa land
its about 9 dollars her