Where's my damn text message, Barry

Can I call you Barry? I mean, you emailed me and said I would be one of the first to know. I signed up, I sent in my number.

Behind my back, you whispered to CNN and all of the other major news carriers. And, they even tell me that I ain’t getting my text message until tomorrow. I’m the last to know, and those bad boys on the television are happy to be telling me so.

On the bright side, the answer is Joe Biden. Back early on in the primary game, I opined that for all the “experience” talk around Hillary, if that was the qualification should all us good Dems be lining up behind Joe.

I do believe Joe fills in some of the smack talk and real issues dogging Barack. Can you say Senate Foreign Relations Committee? Imagine, if you will, a White House actually looking at relating with foreigners rather than, say, blowing them the fuck up.

On a complete tangent, how does the living dead Larry King, who’s probably been defibrillated about as often as the rest of us have had our teeth clean, manage to pull questions on Biden’s health out of his ass. Old, and I do mean it, Larry conceded it was a while back, but he asked Joe how he was doing with those brain aneurysms. I’m thinking after about 20 years, it mightn’t be top most on his worries. Hell, by now, he’s gotta be sweating his prostate more.

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